简介:ZNA/泽碧克格鲁建筑设计事务所。 ZNA建筑设计事务所,总部位于美国波士顿,具备40年规划与建筑设计领域内的成功经验,集优秀的设计创意和卓越的项目管理水平于一身,是一个在国际领域享有盛誉的知名设计公司。ZNA在各类规划与设计国际竞赛中屡获佳绩,项目类型跨越了从大型城市公共空间、混合功能综合体、超高层建筑综合体到度假居住、办公展览、教育科研等相关的规划、建筑、景观及室内设计。曾为美国联邦政府、沙特阿拉伯王国政府、阿联酋王室、哈佛大学及其他知名商业、政府机构提供了各类重要项目的设计服务。所实施的项目遍及全球五大洲数十个国家。 ZNA建筑设计事务所是由一群有着丰富设计经验和扎实专业背景的建筑师、规划师、室内设计师以及景观建筑师所组成的团队。工作范围除涉及传统设计服务外,还广泛涉及到建筑工程设计及项目管理的各个层面,具备执行完成大型国际项目和管理上百人团队的丰富经验。在ZNA的起步阶段,公司两位创始人都曾在国际着名建筑事务所担任核心层工作,且直接参与当代建筑中一些知名作品的创作,随后还直接负责了很多大型开发项目的设计和管理。 近年来,随着ZNA在行业内地位的不断提升及业务需求,ZNA亚洲区子公司:ZNA(北京)建筑设计事务所在北京正式成立,为ZNA四十余年的发展历程翻开了新的一页。ZNA北京的成立,旨在构建一支集建筑研究、城市规划和景观设计等多学科融合统一的创作团队,为境内外建设项目提供因地制宜的可持续解决方案。北京公司的核心成员全部具备国际顶尖院校的教育背景,在加入ZNA北京之前,都曾在ZNA美国总部或其它国际知名事务所负责重大项目的设计工作。由于所承接项目复杂的多元文化及地域背景,ZNA北京在实践过程中,形成了一套以项目自然元素与文化背景完美结合为核心的设计理念。叁亚海棠湾红树林费尔蒙酒店,青岛胶南红树林酒店,哈尔滨哈西科技发展大厦,哈西长途客运枢纽站,哈尔滨江北顺迈学校,松北火炬大厦,天津响螺湾地块高层,潮白河孔雀城酒店,玉泉山贵宾馆,重庆机场路居住区规划设计,东坝北区城市设计……多个风格卓越、设计精良的大型综合体项目,为ZNA在亚洲市场的业务拓展了新的领域。 ZNA/ ZEYBEKOGLU NAYMAN ASSOCIATES, INC. ZNA is a Boston based firm of Architecture, Urban Design, Master Planning and Interior Design. Responding to the need of excellence in both design and project management, with a proven design creativity and professional competence, ZNA presents credentials that reflect an exceptional and rare array of experience. With executed projects valued at over $10 billion, ZNA is a firm with national and international credits. ZNA projects span campus master plans, urban design, residential developments, and educational, commercial and institutional facilities. Clients have included the Federal Government, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Harvard University, University of Sarajevo, and a roster of major institutions, commercial and industrial concerns. ZNA Associates represents a unionof highly experienced architects and planners with profound design skills and rich backgrounds. With a combined professional experience over four decades, their work reflects a sweeping range of architectural activity and projects, from the design and execution of large-scale international projects involving major American companies, to the management of organizations with several hundred employees. Early in their careers, the founding partners have each worked with internationally recognized architects and have participated in the creation of some of the best known building in contemporary architecture; later have held direct responsibility for the design, management and completion of major developments. ZNA is an evolving and dynamic association with unique design personality and pragmatic resourcefulness, with several first-prize winner projects in design competitions. Close attention to client requirements, completing professional commitments within established time and budgetary limits and meticulous technical accomplishment are the firm’s will-known characteristics. ZNA Associates generate dynamism, vitality and vision with a breadth of experience that ensures reliability, performance and excellence. In 2007, ZNA opened the doors of a new branch in Beijing. The establishment of ZNA/ZEYBEKOGLU NAYMAN ASSOCIATES, BEIJING, LTD. Afforded ZNA the opportunity to increase its overseas presence, and immediately the branch began accruing an amazingly talented staff from around the world. Together, the creative team of Architects, Urban Planners, Landscape and Interior Architects, and Graphic Design. Designers undertake a vast scope of challenging projects, and offer thoughtful, sustainable solutions as their response. Sanya Haitang Bay 7 Star Hotel Schematic, TsingTao Mangrove tree Resort, Haxi Office Building, Haxi Long Distance Bus Terminal, Harbin Jiangbei Shunmai Campus, Harbin Songbei Torch Tower,Tianjin XiangLuo Bay Tower, Chaobai River Peacock City, Yu Quan Shan Resort, Beijing DongBa North District…the excellent projects help ZNA to expand the market of Asia. 申请者请先将作品与简历发至info-beijing@znarch.com,符合条件者将通知面试,谢谢!( 注:邮件主题为“本人姓名”简历及作品,简历中请标明期望薪金,附带作品者优先审阅。请已发送过个人简历及作品的申请者不要重复发送。) 收起